Generational dynamics in Spain: Memory transmission of a turbulent past
Paloma Aguilar, Clara Ramírez-BaratFirst Published October 18, 2016 Research Article
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Despite the crucial transformations that Spain has experienced since Franco’s death, and in contrast with other countries that have democratized in recent decades, considerable reluctance remains toward implementing transitional justice measures. On the contrary, there is a tendency to hold on to a framework that combines the Amnesty Law of 1977 with partial reparations as the best guarantors of democratic stability. According to extant literature, generational change has played a fundamental role in the direction taken by recent initiatives dealing with the memory of Francoist repression, particularly since 2000. A small but very active part of the “grandchildren’s generation” has driven various initiatives that have influenced political and judicial agendas. We provide empirical evidence showing that while, in general terms, it would be true to say that third and fourth generations have been more supportive of the implementation of bolder memory policies, their contribution must nevertheless be subjected to careful nuancing.
Keywords collective memory, exhumations, Francoism, generations, Spanish Civil War, transitional justice
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