Sunday 8 March 2015

The War is Over a film and a theme on our Civil War that is almost never mentioned......

En 1965, Diego, un militant du Parti communiste espagnol vit en exil à Paris. Régulièrement, il passe la frontière sous des identités d'emprunt assurant ainsi la liaison entre les militants exilés et ceux restés en Espagne.
De retour d'une mission difficile, Diego se prend à douter du sens de son action et des moyens mis en œuvre. Sa confrontation avec les jeunes militants de gauche, qui deviendront les acteurs de Mai 68, est prémonitoire de l'évolution des formes de lutte.

Le scénario de Jorge Semprún est très marqué par son histoire personnelle, sa lutte comme clandestin du Parti communiste espagnol, son éviction en 1964 de la direction du parti pour de graves divergences de vues avec le secrétaire général Santiago Carrillo. Dans son livre Autobiographie de Federico Sánchez, Jorge Semprún revient sur le thème du film en précisant : « L'un des thèmes principaux du film est justement la critique du mot d'ordre de grève générale conçu comme simple expédient idéologique, davantage destiné à unifier religieusement la conscience des militants qu'à agir sur la réalité. »

The War is Over (French: La Guerre est Finie) is a French drama film about a leftist in Franco's Spain, directed by Alain Resnais and starring Yves Montand, Ingrid Thulin, and Geneviève Bujold.[1]


In the aftermath of the Spanish Civil War, the communist veteran Diego (Yves Montand) has dedicated his life to continuing the struggle against the Franco regime while living in exile in Paris. Lately, however, he has become war-weary and skeptical about the tactics of the revolutionary underground. After meeting Nadine (Geneviève Bujold), whose father's passport he is using, he learns that she is involved with an alternative revolutionary group that is planning an armed attack in Spain. When he meets the young revolutionaries who will execute the plan, he tries to persuade them to abandon the action as misconceived, but they ignore him. The leaders of the underground, meanwhile, send Diego on a mission to Barcelona along with a new recruit, perhaps as a way of getting rid of him; the police have since discovered his identity. His lover Marianne (Ingrid Thulin), who has received a warning from Nadine, attempts to intercept him before he is arrested.

The film was nominated for an Academy Award for its script and won the New York Film Critics Circle award for Best Foreign Language Film.

Jump up^ "The War is over". Retrieved 2014-03-13.
§External links[edit]
The War Is Over at the Internet Movie Database

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